Ella’s List

Ella gave Stephanie five questions to consider in her relationship with anyone (not specifically Ranger, but any man). Those five questions (and Steph’s current responses) are:


1. What do I want from the man I love? Support, encouragement, love, the ability to make my own decisions, acknowledgement, speech, openness, honesty.

2. What am I willing to do for him? Exercise, carry consistently, I will accept a RangeMan partner if I continue as a bounty hunter. We can discuss my working for the company at the end of this year. Willing to listen before getting mad. Willing to listen to what Ranger has to say when my life is danger. I’ll stop starting discussions after 9 PM.

3. What compromises am I willing to make? We can discuss kids and marriage. If we have kids, a compromise he must make is that he will not accept any more missions longer than six months and no six month missions back to back.

4. What do I need to be happy? Support, love, the ability to make my own decisions, acknowledgement of my successes and no judgment when I fail, sex, sugar, meatball subs, pizza, and the occasional family dinner and time with friends. Also, time away from RangeMan and all RangeMen.

5. What’s non-negotiable in our relationship? Love. Sex. Support. Honesty. Friendship. Encouragement. Trust. Sugar.


If this list can help you, I’m glad to provide it!

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