Chapter 71: Standards

Tank’s POV—Thursday Morning

Bobby and I are met at the airport by Hal.


“Normal, sir. Accounts are growing, men are happy, everything is calm.”


“Ready to be released. She’s been working to polish her knowledge of every skill this week.”


“As far as I can tell, going well. Miami is in an uproar. Diego’s fired five so far. Authority has been tightened. Boston is working to recapture their lost prestige.” Hal looks over at me. I’m driving. “My rearview is a very crowded place, sir.”

I hide a grin. Bobby chuckles in the backseat.

“As it should be. Wifey?”

Hal blushes. Bobby and I laugh.

“Perhaps I should ask you that, sir. Congratulations on your engagement.”

I nod. “Thank you. Can’t wait to meet your woman.”

The rest of the drive is silent. Hal’s still blushing.

We pull into the garage and are met by Steph and Candy. Candy’s not my type but she is a beautiful woman. Good. Hal deserves a good woman by his side. We all do. Can’t wait for Ranger to realize Steph’s truly the one for him. She challenges him like no other .

“Tank!” My Little Girl approaches and I take her in my arms gently and hug her, rocking side to side. Finally, I put her back down and smile and give her one short, sharp nod. I look over toward Candy, whose eyes are wide.

Steph and Hal have a quick ESP argument and finally he nods to her. She turns to me. “Tank, I’d like to introduce Ms. Candace Taylor, our new head of HR.”

I nod at her and I’m surprised that she immediately comes over, hugs me and kisses my cheek. I’m sure I look stunned.

“Mr. LaPierre, it is a pleasure to meet you and I cannot thank you enough for the opportunity to join this company. I’m looking forward to being the second fully-qualified RangeWoman and your head of HR.”

I nod. I’m still stunned by the kiss. I can feel Bobby laughing behind me. She moves over to Bobby and repeats the actions, stepping back. Bobby is stunned and silent too.

“Mr. Brown, it’s a pleasure to meet you, too. I can’t wait to get started. One question.”

He nods, wide eyed.

“No one has to know my weight or chest measurement, do they? I wouldn’t allow the guys to take that Monday.”

Steph immediately starts coughing. Bobby’s turned red. So has Hal. I like this girl. She’s perfect for Hal.

“No.” Bobby’s voice has gone up an octave. He clears his throat. “No, I think we can keep your weight and chest size to ourselves. Perhaps we’ll work with Ella on those measures.”

She smiles. “Great!” She steps back, slightly behind Hal, and tucks her chin, winking at Steph. I get the feeling we were just set up.

“Well, let’s get inside. Lula’s already called me three times, Tank. She’s ready to see you.” Steph grins and I groan mentally. I love my woman but Lord is she a handful.

We walk in and stop. Hal turns to us. “I’ve moved my stuff around in your old apartment, sir. You and Bobby can have it, if you like.”

I nod. Nice. Need anticipated and met.

We stash our stuff in the apartment, take a quick shower and hit 5. The moment we step on, the men rise in a standing ovation. It’s nice to be home.


Crap. I stayed in Trenton too long. Then again, it’s not so much Trenton as the fact that we spent four years with these men, serving and leading them. We know them. This location is more home than any other.

Hal and Ram meet with me and Bobby inside Hal’s office, my old office. It’s a completely different place. Kansas banners, a few pictures of Hal’s old battalion, and a picture of Candy on his desk. He’s made it comfortable for himself. I nod mentally in approval. He’s truly taken the XO job as his own. I need to take him and Candy out to dinner with Lula and me, make sure he understands I’m proud.

As a former Staff Sergeant, I’ve taken the discussion Les, Bobby and I had after the NYC call to heart. My entire job in the military was to promote and encourage men, to build them up, and develop them. If I’m very honest with myself, Hal’s the only XO I’ve done that for and that means I’ve failed in my job as the Chief XO of this company.

Javi damn near died in NYC and we all bear responsibility for it, but as the Chief XO, he should have felt able to call on me. Hal does without hesitation, and I realize that it’s because he and I have spent four years in each other’s company. I know him. The rest of the XOs need to know they can call me, in addition to Steph and whoever has oversight of their branch. They need to know the Chief XO has their back, and I’ve told Lula that I will spend some time at each branch over the next year ensuring that the XOs feel that the Chief XO supports them.

They need to know me. I need to know that Hal isn’t the only XO who feels comfortable enough with me to call. I wonder if that’s going to mean a lot of talking.

The Trenton Core produces their spreadsheets that show the steady improvement Steph made in reaching the standards. They believe she’s ready, except, “We have a concern, sir,” Ram says, looking at me. “As the CO, Steph is supposed to know the SOPs back and front.” Bobby and I nod. “Well, we’re concerned that you’ll test her on the other branches and I’m not sure she knows those.”

We sit back. Legitimate concern, but unnecessary.

“The SOPs are standard at each branch. What you are referring to are the branch addendums, which cover special policies for each branch. She doesn’t need to have those memorized, but she will need to know which branch I’m referring to when I test her.”

Each man sits back and nods, smiling.

“Then we believe she’s ready, sir,” Ram says.

Hal smiles. “She believes she’s ready.”

Manny grins. “And Hector’s put the word out: His partner. You have to be able to take him down on the mats and incapacitate him in order to replace him as her partner.”

Bobby and I look at each other and bite our lips. That was a great call. Hector and Steph won’t switch partners for all the money in the world.

Danny’s POV—Thursday Night

Cindy is thrilled to be going to New York and Trenton for a week. She can’t wait to see Stephanie again, she can’t wait to meet Hal and his new girlfriend Candy, and she can’t wait to go shopping. Apparently, Steph told her about the King of Prussia Mall. Cindy looked it up: the largest shopping mall in the country.

I’m mentally groaning, but I’m thrilled about this trip.

When Bobby called and told me that NYC and Atlanta would help clear the CO, Javi and I were thrilled. Hal has no idea what’s going to happen, but just as NYC can’t clear their men and we can’t clear Charlotte, Trenton cannot be involved in clearing the CO. So, I chose 10 of my most trustworthy men and we’re making this both a trip to clear the CO and a trip to get together with our brother branches and get to know each other. These trips and opportunities are rare, so I chose some of the men in my branch I’d like to see move up into leadership. This will be a good opportunity for them.

We make the trip in 12 hours and check into hotels outside Princeton. I make reservations for 26 at Ruth’s Chris, right up the road. NYC will join us tonight and we’ll have a company dinner there tonight, joined by the NYC men, their XO and his girlfriend and the Chief XO, his fiancée, the Chief Liaison, and the head of HR.

Everyone is there at 8p.m. sharp. Most of the men are meeting Candy for the first time and this time, I was smart. I described Candy to Cindy and showed her the pictures from my phone last week. Cindy’s eyes were wide and I quickly explained that I kept them only to show her what Candy looks like. I quickly erased them from my phone after. Cindy smiled and I wasn’t cut off, so I guess it worked this time.


“Danny!” We do the man hug and move into the banquet room. Our men greet each other and settle around the table. Tank and Bobby join us shortly after, with Lula and Candy, and we stand to greet them. Most of the men are careful not to drool openly in Candy’s presence. I can see Lula’s a little jealous of the attention.

We all sit, with Tank and Bobby taking opposite ends of the table, and order. Tank stands and brings the table to order.

“Men, you are aware you are here to clear your CO. The Trenton men have been working with her to clear standards and she believes she’s ready. Trenton believes she’s ready.” The men nod and smile.

Tank nods and sits. Bobby stands.

“You are all experienced in clearing men for duty, so you know what is required. Be mindful that the CO has chosen to meet standard requirement, 70 points, at female military standards. She will not appreciate being treated as anything less than a full RangeMan, so treat her as one. In order to ensure that this is kept fair at all times, the scores will be given to Ms. Taylor, the head of HR. She will be the official scorekeeper to clear the CO. Also, none of the Trenton leadership is aware that you are here to clear her, although I’m sure the Trenton Core has a hint.”

My phone rings. I check and it’s Hal. I hold my phone up, eyes wide, and look at Bobby. He grins and nods.

“Yo!” I put the phone on speaker.

“Yo. Got a question.”


“When did you plan to tell me you hit Trenton?”

Silence. I look around the table, stunned. “What?”

Hal snorts. “Welcome to New Jersey, Danny. I knew the moment you crossed the Jersey line. We have spies everywhere. You stopped for gas in Bordentown and a bunch of men in all black outfits with GA plates started the whispers. By the way, Joyce is at Ruth’s Chris with her newest mark, or at least she was until he decided Candy was hotter than her and she stomped his foot. That’s how I know where you are, with my girlfriend, right now. The CO has been getting calls for the past 45 minutes.”

I hang my head and laugh silently. Shit! Tank and Bobby are also laughing silently, heads hung. Candy’s red.

“Shit! Are there no secrets in New Jersey?”

“Nope. The CO gets gossip even faster than we do.” Every man groans. “NYC plates and men in black outfits at Homewood Suites started the whispers on our end. Tell Javi I said hello.”

“Hey Hal,” Javi says, shaking his head. Everyone is shaking their heads. Damn! There’s no fooling Trenton.

“I owe both of you one. Do Bobby and Tank know?”

“We ordered them here,” Tank replies. It’s silent for a moment.

“I now owe Manny $20. Thanks, sir.” Click.

Every man looks around and bursts into laughter.

Steph’s POV

Hal and I look at each other. Manny nods.

“Told you, Steph. We can’t clear you, so NYC was expected. Atlanta was not going to be left out, so I’m not surprised,” Ram says.

I roll my eyes. Great. “OK, what do you expect?”

“If Candy’s involved, she’s going to hold the numbers,” Hal says. He’s still miffed that Candy’s involved and she didn’t tell him. Apparently Joyce’s date tried to hit on Candy the entire time she was standing in the foyer. The news hit the ‘Burg in minutes. Joyce considers Candy an enemy because her date said, “You’re a sure thing and you look good, but she’s new and she’s hot.”

Joyce had never been so furious in her life. She stomped on his instep with her stiletto and stormed out before remembering she’d ridden there with him. Her date left her standing in the parking lot as he left.

ML and I laughed about that. Someone else she can’t steal from.

“Well, since we don’t know who rode with them, we don’t know who would be involved in clearing you. I would say that if Mack came, he’s going to have the hand to hand,” Manny says. “Lance will have the range assessment. Men from both branches will be involved in the paintballing exercise. After that, we’re just guessing.”

“Javi? Danny?”

“Javi would be SOPs. Danny would be self-defense.”

I sigh. Damn. I pull the SOPs and start reading.

The assessment starts the next morning at 0600 (No no no! 6a.m.! 6a.m.!). Bobby holds my feet as Marcus counts off the sit ups silently. No one tells me when to stop or gives me a signal, so I stop when I can’t manage any more. I lay on my back, panting, with my eyes closed. When I open them, Bobby nods and flips his hand over. I roll, exhausted.


I begin my pushups and, again, there was no signal to stop or that I reached the limit. I simply do the pushups until I can’t do anymore. I finally flop on my belly and sigh. After a few minutes, I stand up and Bobby hands me a bottle of water. Manny told me not to expect Bobby to say much during the assessment.

I look around and wait. The only people in the gym with me this morning are Bobby, Marcus, and Candy. The door opens and Nash, from Atlanta, and Johno from NYC walk in, in sweats and sneakers. Two mile run must be next. We head to the first floor and we’re met by Hector. Bobby raises an eyebrow but says nothing. We walk outside and I stretch, hoping I can shave 30 seconds off my run.

Tank is waiting. Once Candy is in place, Tank says, “Begin.”

Nash and Johno take point down the street. I’m next, with Hector close behind me and Bobby in the rear. We run in silence. It’s clear they mapped this out in advance because we run from RangeMan down to the riverfront, along the riverfront for a while, and back up Calhoun Street, before cutting across State Street back to RangeMan. I’ve never been so happy to see the building in all my life and I’ve never loved Candy more than the moment she says, “Time!”

I start walking a circle in the foyer to cool down. Marcus hands me another bottle of water and we walk back to the gym. Weightlifting. For my weight I need to manage between 90 and 115. Anything over 140 puts me in an ‘Elite category’, but I haven’t managed that. When Sarah and I worked on this last week, my final successful press was 105.

The guys start by loading me at 60, then in five pound increments. I have to be able to lift, hold it for one full minute, and touch the bar to my chest five times to pass. So I end up doing around 25 presses total. Today is no exception. I clock out at 105 and I shake my head at the addition of more weight.

“Just one, Bomber.”

I lift, hold, and touch down. I repeat and just barely manage it. I keep going until I complete all five. Bobby smiles and reracks the weight.

Official weight: 110. Tank smiles.

“First round complete, CO. Good job.”

“Did I pass?”

“Scores won’t be released until the end.”

I slump. Crap.

Ram’s POV

I’m not sure what Steph’s scores are, but she’s blowing this out of the water. Nash and Johno took her on a six-mile run and she was back right before the hour. With the guys setting a faster than normal pace for her, that means she had to do at least 9 to 9.5 minutes a mile, which would definitely be under the limit.

She managed 60 sit ups and 28 pushups in two minutes. She officially lifted 110 pounds, damn near her body weight.

Trenton is grinning. We’re considering what to give her when she passes. We’re also taping all of it. The CCO needs to see this. He’ll be incredibly proud of her. We’re glad we coordinated with Mary Lou. The CO needs downtime after completing each round.

Round One is over. Marcus already told me that Round Two will take place tomorrow and it will be the SOPs. They’re spreading her clearance out over the week because she’s still the CO. She still has a job to do. Plus it will give all three branches a chance to get together and get to know each other. Opportunities like this are rare.

I agree. Zip and Manny spent yesterday morning with Hal finding things for the NYC and Atlanta men to join us in. So far, we have them booked with us on a couple of take downs, one distraction (everyone needs to see the CO in action) and a redecorating gig. We also planned for a massive poker and wings party and a night at the pool hall. Mack insisted. Apparently, Steph hustled through college and he’s determined to see what kind of skills she has.

Hal and I looked at each other in shock. We had no idea. How did he know? Mack simply grinned and walked off.

The day speeds by. It’s taking everything we have not to let it slip to Steph that we know, but the men take the opportunity to smile at her or clap her back when she’s nearby. By noon the worried look on her face is gone. We’re doing a crap job of hiding how proud we are, so I’m sure she knows she’s passing.

Javier’s POV—Saturday Morning

I have a standard list of questions that I ask men to ensure they understand SOPs. Tank tells me to add some questions to it from each branch’s addendums, so I scour each set and come up with 10 questions per branch. It’s normally a 50 question test, but this is the CO; Tank said 100 minimum.

I submit the questions and answers to Candy, who will administer the test to Steph. Trenton is doing a crap job keeping their faces blank and so are Bobby and Tank. They’re openly grinning whenever she’s not around and there have been a lot of whispered calls back to Lester about her status.

She’s blowing it out of the water.

Every man knows it. Candy might be keeping the official score, but each man is keeping track. The CO passed Basic PT with flying colors. Now for the specialized stuff. Candy begins the SOP assessment and I wince the first time the CO misses one.

“Standard number of handkerchiefs to keep at all times,” Candy says.

“Five,” Steph answers. “Wait, no, three. Trenton is keeping five because of me. Sorry.”

Candy turns to Tank for a ruling. He nods slightly. She’s aware of the formal requirement and an informal SOP in this office. Allowable.

“Minimum space to allow between the vehicle in front of you at all times.”

“Twenty feet.”

“Penalty for non-standard uniform.”

“One shift monitor duty at first infraction and unpaid leave while you go change into the standard uniform. Thirty minutes mat time with increasing time, up to two hours, for each additional infraction. Dismissal if it occurs more than five times in one year.”

“Procedures for reimbursement of ‘sources’.”

“Information must be reported on the ‘Intelligence form’, including time, date, location of conversation, telephone number called and used . . . “She’s thinking but her shoulders droop. “Umm …information must contain as many details as possible, it must be signed and dated by the RangeMan collecting the information, and any non-standard terms must be clearly identified and defined. The amount promised must also be clearly noted.”

Candy looks at Tank and he shakes his head. As good as that was, she missed something crucial. Steph looks crushed.

“Procedures for ‘Piman’.”

Tank added this question to the list and he and Hector told me that it’s vital she get this right.

“Piman is a special source. His information must be passed along to the RangeMan ASAP, including all information usually collected with any other source. Also, his assumptions and instructions should be considered vital information. If Piman passes along instructions with the term ‘el jefe’ in front, Ranger should be contacted immediately. If unavailable, Hector is to be contacted at once. If both are unavailable, the information is to be passed to Leadership Core in the following order: Lester Santos, Tank LaPierre, and Bobby Brown. Under no circumstances is Piman’s information to take more than 30 minutes to reach top management. Also, whenever anyone in top management lands in Miami, Piman is to be notified immediately and given information on how to contact them.”

Steph looks amused. “I want to meet this guy. Wonder what makes him so special.” Her eyes widen. “OH, in the last question, I forgot to add that the source’s name and any street names have to be identified at the very top of the ‘Intelligence’ form and it has to be filed along with any other information the source has ever passed.”

Thank god! Tank nods at Candy. The CO got both questions right.

Candy and Steph continue for another 90 minutes. At the end, the CO missed three questions. Only seven were allowable. I hide a smile.

Steph’s blowing this out of the water.

Steph’s POV

My brain is tired and I really want to meet this Piman guy. I drag myself back to my office and lean back in my chair. Hector drilled me on the SOPs and he made a special point of that one. I kept asking until Hector finally told me that Piman is currently an extremely important source in Miami and Atlanta and an old friend of Ranger’s.

Angelita, I’ve only just met him, but he has Ranger’s full trust and support. He is someone who is safe to know.”

“I get the feeling that there’s more to this guy than you’re telling me.”

Hector grins. “Much more, but that’s for Ranger to tell you.”

I hate mysteries. I wonder if I’ll ever get a chance to meet him. In any case, I’m getting slutted up for tonight’s distraction. Hector is taking Ranger’s usual position as my driver but I’m wearing my new Louboutins. I need to feel close to Ranger right now. I miss him. I always expected that if I ever had to do this, he would be here with me.

I coax the hair into soft waves, use my Miami makeup to create a smoky eye, and slip into the dress. It’s a black silk number I saw in NYC: backless, mid-thigh, and spaghetti strapped. I slip into the thong and take a critical look at the panty line. Nope, too much. I slip it off and slip into the G-string. I had a feeling this would be necessary. Final step? Petals. No jelly bean impressions tonight.

I take a final, critical look at myself and smile. Man, they don’t come more classy slutty than this. The bar tonight is in Philly, more upscale and classy. The bond is high ($300,000 for us) and it’s the first bit of field work I’ve done since . . . since Thomas Mann.

Six months. If I clear, I will have done it at my goal. That thought makes me grin.

I head down to one and walk into the lobby. It’s going to be a full house tonight. The Trenton guys have been bragging about my skill at this and, as the newest RangeWoman, Candy wants to see this, in case she ever has to pinch hit. Hal’s face is calm but his eyes are panicked at the idea. Cindy, Monica (Javi’s girlfriend), ML and Lenny, Connie, and Lula are rounding out the group.


Every man turns around and gapes. I see ML, Cindy, Lula, and Monica pinch their significant others. Danny and Tank both tense slightly. Lenny stares at ML in confusion and Javi yelps and rubs his backside.

Mack is the first man to approach. “Here, you . . . you . . .” He hands over a sharpened file, shaking his head. “Jesus Christ . . .”

Hector appears, glaring. “Oh, for Christ’s sake. Like you men haven’t seen a sexy woman before. She’s still the CO. Quit looking at her as if she’s a side of meat.” Hector takes the file from me, storing it with his blades.

Bobby grins. “Have a heart, Hector. The CO in black SWAT is one thing. Stephanie Plum dressed up for a distraction should be admired. She’s beautiful and you know it.” Bobby comes over and kisses my cheek. He whispers the translations in my ear quickly and I smile.

Taken,” Hector growls.

Bobby smirks. “We know. Oh god do we know. Thank God you’re driving her home tonight. We won’t start wondering why it’s taking you so long to return.”

Maybe you won’t but I will,” Marcus says, grinning. All the men laugh. Even Hector smiles.

I’m having a hard time keeping my blank face as the men laugh. Candy comes over and critiques the outfit.

“Wow …That’s . . . “She looks uncertain.

“Really short, tight and slutty.” I grin. “Best part? The dress is a reimbursable job expense.”

Candy’s eyes are wide. “And you bring in the big bonds like this?” I nod, excited. “And the shoes …Oh my God! Are those Louboutins?” Candy bends over to look and Hal immediately tugs her dress down. Candy’s dress is almost as short as mine and the men looked hopeful. Candy grins at him then turns back to me. “I’m in. Teach me how you do it.”

The men snicker. Hal’s eyes suggest he’s ready to cry.

Lula sniffs. “Come on, let’s show these boys how Steph does it.” She turns to me. “Come on, White Girl. You look classy skanky and I’ve got your backup clothes. Let’s go!”

The club is a classy dinner and dancing club in Philly. The mark is Jordan Andrews, 28, a former Central Street high flyer with a penchant for rape and kinky sex games. This dress and these shoes will be right up his alley. I look sexy and alluring and, combined with the fact that I can dance, I’m his perfect target.

The men move in ahead of us and take seats. I approved of everyone going, mostly because at places like this, it’s hard to find single male dance partners. The guys grumbled about having to dance but I smiled.

“If you want to see me in action, chances are you will end up on the dance floor at some point.”

Once everyone is in, Hector hands me the earbud and earring. The earring has the microphone and all the RangeMen, and Candy, have earbuds. Hector and I walk into the club and take our seats. We’re across the room from the mark, but I told them that was fine. Danny and Cindy are on one side of him, Mack and Nash are on the other. I told the RangeMen that the first few dances need to be with people who know how, to catch his attention. It shouldn’t take long.

Hector and I hit the dance floor. My partner and I are in sync and we dance three songs straight, looking confident and sexy on the floor. Other couples back away to give us some room and by the time we hit the fourth song, I’m counting the seconds until the mark cuts in.

Meanwhile, the voices in my earbud are making me grin.

Oh, Mama, dance with me …”

You can’t dance.”

I’m willing to learn.”

Laughter. Hector grins and twirls me around, my back to his front, and we start grinding on the floor.

OK, am I the only man jealous of the gay guy right now?” Muted laughter and agreement.

Shit, Hector’s a lucky bastard. What dance is that?”

Who cares? I like Ranger but right now, I’m wishing the CO was available.” Laughter.

The man who can take on Ranger might have a chance.” Tank. Silence.

Hal, how committed are you to Candy?” Lots of laughter. Growls from Hal.

Anyone notice that our security company has the hottest women? I mean, seriously. The CO and Candy could stop traffic.” Murmured agreement. “Is there a physical attributes clause in the contract that only the sexy and nice need apply? I mean, hot women in our company are also approachable.”

I twirl myself around so I can laugh in Hector’s shoulder. I can feel Hector’s laughter.

Approach mine. Your legs won’t work the next day.” Hal, sounding disgruntled. The guys laugh.

Finally! My shoulder is tapped and the mark is standing in front of me. “May I?” Hector raises an eyebrow at me and I nod.

“Sure.” I beam. The music changes to something slow and sensual, perfect to start reeling him in.

OK, this is the part where the magic happens. No talking until she gets him outside,” Zip warns. “Let’s not throw her concentration.”

Thanks, Zip. I smile at the skip but don’t ask any questions. My silence is confusing him. We slide into the second dance and finally he speaks.

“The other guy? He a boyfriend?”

“Nah. Friend.” Hector’s out on the dance floor with another woman. I’m sure he’s having fun, but he’s watching discreetly.

“Really? Seemed intimate for just a friend.” He smiles winningly.

“He’s not my type, but he and I enjoy dancing. We’re the only ones in our group who do.”

“Never seen you here before.”

“First time. Not my normal place. I usually go to Newark.”

His eyes light up. “So, you aren’t from Philly?”

I shake my head. “Nah. I lived in New Brunswick for years. You?”

“Brooklyn. Name’s Martin. You?”


Brooklyn my ass. Homie’s got no accent.” Lots of laughter again.

“Nice to meet you. Can I buy you a drink?”

“Sure. Let me tell Juan where I’m headed.” I smile and walk toward Hector. I move my mouth like I’m telling him where I’m going and Hector nods and turns to look at ‘Martin’. He nods at Martin and resumes dancing.

We head to the bar, where I order an ice water. “Water?” ‘Martin’ says. “You seem more like a Cosmo girl. Let’s get you a Cosmo.”

I smile. “Not when I’m dancing. Nothing worse than a drunk on the dance floor.”

He grins. “Lightweight?”


Ka-Ching! He looks thrilled. “Well, let’s get a table and sit.” He orders the Cosmo and I carry it over to the table. I have no intention of drinking it. “It’s hard for me to believe that someone as beautiful as you doesn’t have a man.”

I smile. “I have a man. Three of them. They switch off.” I can hear the groans in my ears. “I’m hard to keep up with.”

He grins. “I’m not finding you that hard to keep up with.”

“I’m not trying yet. What brings you here tonight?”

“I like to dance. These men, Juan’s not one?”

I shake my head. “He’s friends with one.”

His smile fades. “Again, hard for me to believe. You aren’t married?”

I raise my hand. No tan lines. “I’m high maintenance and I like sex.” I grin. “One gets Monday, one gets Wednesday, Thursday is group sex night, and the other gets Friday. Saturday is mine to go dancing and find someone interesting. When one of them gets their act together, I might start thinking marriage.”

The groans are amusing.

Is this idiot really going to fall for this?”

I’m imagining it. Wouldn’t you?” Laughter.

The triumph of hope over experience.” Danny. “Let’s not throw her off. This is hilarious.”

You know what makes this so funny for me?” Candy asks. “For once, you guys get to see how lame some of your pick-up lines are. It’s amazing what you’ll believe when you’re horny. $20 says his next move is to ‘accidentally on purpose’ drop her hand into his lap.”

‘Martin’ picks my hand up and drapes it carefully over his erection. Great. I smile at him while sliding my fingers away. He looks excited.

“Am I interesting?”

“You’re getting there.”

Bingo! I want my $20 from every man here and an extra $5 because he wasn’t even smooth with it.” Groans.

“So what do you do?”

“I work for a presentation company. I’m in setup and delivery.” That’s the signal to the guys and I see them moving to get in position.

“What does that mean?”

I smile. “I’m a high-end courier. Expensive stuff. I’m bonded.”

He nods, like he gets it. “I’m in sales.”

“Really? Selling what?”

“Stocks, bonds, money markets. I work on Wall Street.”

I pretend I’m thrilled and trying to hide it. “Oh, that must be a really . . . interesting job.”

“It is. Look, I’m done with this place and I’d love to get to know you better. Join me?”

“Sure!” I hop off my stool and we head toward the door. “Oh! I forgot to tell Juan. Look, you go on to your car and I’ll join you in a moment. Let me just tell him.”

He stops. “You sure? He may disagree.” He frowns.

I grin. “Nope. This is why I come with Juan. If I leave, then he’s free to meet someone tonight without me being a third wheel.”

‘Martin’ grins. “OK, then I’ll meet you right outside. Mercedes coupe.” I turn and make a beeline for the table with Lula and Tank while listening to the takedown.

“Jordan Andrews?” Zip’s voice. “We represent your bond agent. Please come with us.” There’s a small scuffle and some shouting. Moments later, Zip says, “Clear.”

I hop up and head outside. The SUV containing ‘Martin’, Jordan Andrews, is gone and the men are grinning.

“Holy hell!” Mack is laughing. “The man walked right into the trap.” He holds his hand up to high-five me. “CO, that was major!

Nash laughs. “Shit, I’d walk into that trap every day.”

Everyone laughs. I take a bow or two and feel Hal tugging my dress back down. Everyone laughs.

“OK,” Cindy says, “Now that the business of the evening is done, let’s hit the dance floor!” She and Monica grin and the guys groan.

“Man, I’m telling you, no wives next time,” Nash mutters as we all head back inside. After 30 minutes, there’s a surge of women into the club, no doubt because of the presence of almost 30 handsome, buff RangeMen, and the guys go from being grumpy to thrilled. I leave after two hours because I need sleep.

My clearance isn’t complete yet.

Tank’s POV—Sunday Night

I invited the XOs out for dinner because I want to follow through on my promise to support them more. I’m slightly jealous that Les and Bobby got to join their groups at the beach and meet with them one on one. Then again, that was perfect for their personalities. I’ve never been a big talker. This is going to be difficult for me. I’ll need to meet with Mark and Mando separately but I’m determined to do it.

The ladies decide to have a movie night. Steph wants to get to know the wives and girlfriends better and the tension from Lula to Candy is becoming evident.

We meet at Acacia and get seated at our table. Danny and Javi look concerned and confused about this meeting. Hal’s interested in the menu.

“Never been here before, sir.”

“I like this place. Quiet. Excellent reviews.” I order wine and appetizers. “Dinner’s on me.” The men nod and we order. I’m still considering what to say. Finally, I start.

“I’m not a talker.” They smirk and nod. “I’m quiet. It’s my gift, allows me to see the things that others miss. My job has always been silent support.” I stop and think about how to explain. “Ranger leads. Les strategizes. Bobby communicates. I take care of everything else. Supplies, men, terrain, that’s always been my duty. Details. I consider myself as having failed in the details lately.”

They sit back, wide eyed. I turn to Javi. “I know Bobby has said it. I know that Les has said it. I’m saying it now. I’m sorry we left you to deal with NYC on your own.” He nods solemnly. “We failed in our responsibility to you but more importantly, I’m Chief XO. You should have felt free to call me and keep calling me and keep harassing me until you got what you needed. If I’ve made that uncomfortable for you, I apologize.”

Javi is stunned. So are Hal and Danny. The appetizers arrive and we take a moment to chow down.

“My job, as a Staff Sergeant, was to develop men. I’ve not done that recently. Colin Powell once said, ‘Leadership is solving problems. The day the soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help them or concluded that you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership.’ ” I look at Danny and Javi. “I notice that I don’t get problems from anyone besides the CO and Hal. That’s a problem for me. It means that at some point, you men decided I either don’t care or I cannot or will not help.”

I take a sip of wine. Lots of talking.

“The CO has forced the Leadership Core to take note of its failure in NYC and its greater message. We were humbled. We are not so smart that we cannot learn, and she taught us well.” I smirk. “We got pissy drunk.”

That cuts the tension. The men snicker then laugh. Dinner arrives and I can see thoughts swirling in their heads.

“We were humbled. More importantly, I was both humbled and ashamed.” I look each one in the eyes. “I am never so remote, so silent, that I am not available to you. I know that I’m not a talker. Don’t expect a lot of words from me. But bring me the issues you have. Inform me of the roadblocks you encounter. Tell me what you need. If not me, then the CO. She and I work together closely. NYC will never again happen in this company. I will never allow it.”

I sit back and look at my plate, waiting for the response.

“Sir?” Javi. “Thank you, sir.” I nod.

Danny sits up and smiles. “I think, sir, that what has helped us the most recently is having the CO taking a critical look at processes and procedures around the company. Knowing that we’re either OK or screwing up has helped.”

Javi smiles. “I agree. She’s new and sharp. There’s a feeling when she does things that you’ll be OK at the end.”

I nod. Good. Steph’s supportive and she talks. They talk to her. I’m curious about what Hal will say.

Hal wipes his mouth and nods. “Steph’s gift is making people work together.” I nod. “She told each group at the beach that she wants to see more of it in the company. She told the XOs that she wants us to start working as a group instead of as armed and bitter enemies.”

Danny and Javi snicker. I hide a smile.

“My concern, sir, is that Steph doesn’t think of herself as a permanent employee.” I look up sharply. “She kept saying at the beach that she considers herself a temporary employee, contract, short-term.” Hal’s jaw clenches. “Now that we finally have her in the company, sir, I don’t want to lose her.”

“I agree,” Javi says, “and I know Mando feels the same. He’s in Charlotte now, determined to prove he’s still got it. He’d still be in Miami losing his mind if not for her.”

“And Mark’s desperate to prove to her that he’s not a shit employee,” Danny says. I snort. I can’t wait to get rid of Mark. “Yeah, I know, sir, but even Mark is determined to prove to her that he’s changed. He knows his life is dependent on her good review of him. I talked to him.” He looks at Hal. “He’s determined to try. I think that’s why she’s giving him the chance. She’s giving him the opportunity to show he can pull his shit together.” Hal snorts. I laugh mentally.

I signal to the waiter to bring the dessert menu. “You want to keep her?” The men nod eagerly. “Then let’s start plotting how we’ll do it.”

One comment

  1. Bianca (erdi99)

    Brooklyn my ass. Homie’s got no accent.” Lots of laughter again.

    I demand to hear more from mack 😉 …hahahahha i love that guy

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