Tagged: Summer@Beach

Chapter 69: Mercy Granted

Danny’s POV—Thursday Morning

We gather outside after breakfast. It’s a repeat of Saturday.

Javier blows out a breath. “Straw poll. In favor of keeping him?” Not a single hand. We look toward Hal. He has his eyes closed and appears to be in prayer. Finally, he lifts his head and looks at each of us. He shakes his head. No. Done deal. Mark failed.

Mark steps outside and nods at us before heading off to the beach. We watch him silently. Moments later, Stephanie walks out and takes the head seat.

“Have you guys made a decision?” Hal nods but Steph raises a hand to stop him. “Before you tell me, I need to tell you two things. One, Mark submitted a resignation letter yesterday and I’ve accepted it.”

We all sit back, stunned. Steph allows us some time to consider that before speaking.

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Chapter 68: Relief at Last

Steph’s POV—Tuesday Morning

The difficult discussions are finished. Now for the fun ones. Danny and I decide to hold his discussion outside on the porch.

“Trying to avoid the bugs?” I tease.

Danny laughs. “Nah. Unnecessary now. Hal called the office and reinstated the audio and video monitoring.”

I shake my head. “Why am I not surprised? Ok, Danny, hit me. What do you need?”

“A way to convince the CO to stop poaching my men!” We laugh and I write that down and underline it, which makes Danny grin. “No, seriously, we’re d oing great in Atlanta. My concerns all centered on Charlotte, but since you intend to move Armando there for six weeks, I can discuss those concerns with him. Make sure he’s fully aware of what needs to happen at that location.”

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Chapter 67: Trojan Horse Redux

Steph’s POV—Monday Evening

I hate to do this again, but it has to be done. I back the XOs, but I need to see if Armando is worth backing. So far, I’m not sure how to classify him as a manager but, if I’m totally honest and fair, the word ‘shit’ is coming to mind. There has to be a reason the guys put him in charge of Miami, but I don’t see it right now and I need to in order to recommend he stay in his position.

Thomas said that, before he hired his cousin, Armando was a ‘beast‘, which I think means he was really good. The talk with Lucia helped me understand how he got where he is now, and I think this plan will work. If it doesn’t, he’ll have to be demoted. There’s no way around it.

Amazing. I think the senior XOs are going to end up on a 90-day probation.

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Chapter 66: I Want Some Brotherhood

Armando’s POV—Monday Morning

Finally! My turn and I’m eager to talk to Stephanie. I’ve outlined what I want to cover and I’m ready.


She’s all smiles. “Good morning, Armando.” I get a hug, which is nice and surprising. “Do you think we need to check for bugs?”

I walk to the window and look out. The guys are on the patio and they wave, smiling. Mark’s disappeared again. Probably at the beach, wondering how to save his ass.

I shake my head and turn around. “I think we’d waste valuable time trying.”

Laughter. “OK. Anything you need to tell me that’s confidential?”

“Nah. What I’m going to cover they already know about.”

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Chapter 65: HR Talks

Candy’s POV

“So that was the infamous Mark?”

Hal nods. His entire body is tense and I stop, turn toward him and place my head on his chest. I know my darling boyfriend. He stops and holds me, expecting me to cry , but I’m holding him, waiting for him to release some tension. Eventually I feel him relax.

I look over and Danny is smiling and whistling into the clouds . He looks over and winks at me. I smile and look up at Hal’s face. He’s smiling at me.

“Making me look soft,” he whispers.

“The evidence says otherwise,” I tease back. Continue reading

Chapter 64: The Chair is Kicked Away

(AKA . . . to any God who can find it)

Hal’s POV

We—me, Javier, Danny, and Armando—are all sitting in the garden, stunned. We’re leaning over my cell phone to ensure that it’s not too loud. We checked. You have to get within two feet of us before you hear anything. Steph is laying into Mark and it’s bad.

“Do you realize that your leadership, your attitude, is toxic? There are places I would like to place your men, opportunities within the company I would like to extend to them, but I can’t because each XO’s first thought is, ‘Am I taking a spy into my branch?’ ‘Is this person going to be loyal to me and my branch or will I have to worry about leaks to Boston?'”

There’s silence before Steph picks up again. “Your attitude has ruined opportunities for your men and I don’t think they’d appreciate that.” Silence. “Your attitude has made it difficult for your colleagues to trust you.” Silence. “Your attitude has made it difficult for me to trust you, and I shouldn’t have to deal with that. I have other worries on my mind.” Continue reading

Chapter 63: The Noose is Fitted

(AKA I commend my soul. . . )

Ram’s POV—Friday Afternoon

Hal’s going to be out of the office over the next week. I’m happy for him, but I hate acting as XO. I’m in my office, trying to catch up on paperwork and schedul ing men before I take point on the bridge. I’m hoping for a quiet day.

Steph cannot poach from our office anymore. Hal and Manny looked at the figures, but until we pick up a few more contracts, we can’t hire, plus we have to keep in mind we have men in San Antonio. We have to keep their positions open. Thank god for Hal and his calendars. At least this duty doesn’t take as long as it used to.

Phone rings. “Yo!”

“Yo.” Woody. “Look at the CO’s cameras.”

“No live monitoring.” I’m switching to the correct feed.

“I’m recording everything. You’ll thank me.”

I switch over and I immediately understand.

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Chapter 62: You’re Proving Your Worth

Some racist speech in this chapter. The views expressed are NOT my own.

This chapter starts a week after “The Gossip says. . . “

Joe’s POV

I finally have proof Mañoso is trying to have me killed.

After two successful months in Delaware, he’s stuck me in Charlotte under a new name, with new credentials and rough intel. Basically, I have two feebs, Mason and Jackson, who he has confirmed are hiding a major gangbanger in witness protection. The guy was taking kickbacks from MS-13 and allowed them to mow down his entire gang. Jesus, a snitch. Wonderful. He needs me to get them talking about it on tape.

Suicide mission, anyone?

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Chapter 61: Cuteness Overload

A/N: Whew! Two weeks of heavy topics. Now for some FUN!

Steph’s POV

I flop back on the couch. Hector’s gone to pick up Nikki and Hector Manuel from the airport, and Nancy is cleaning the house.

“Less mess this time.”

I grin. “I’m doing leadership retreats with the company. The men cook and clean and I enjoy life.”

Nancy laughs. “Good for you. If you provide the space, they do the work. That sounds fair to me.”

I walk into the kitchen and peer into the tank. Rex is snoozing. My poor baby. I’ve barely thought about him but the Trenton man each week took over ‘Rex duty’. The other strategists and liaisons laughed each time. Continue reading

Chapter 60: Liaison Week at the Beach, II

Thomas’s POV

Sharing a room with Rodney this week is going to be difficult. I want to kill him. I don’t know much about what’s going on, but I do know that Armando and Diego have worked directly with and respect the CO deeply. That’s all I need to know. Rodney should be grateful I don’t have direct experience with her. If I did, he’d need to sleep with one eye open.

I’m not much of a talker, which makes my position as liaison difficult sometimes. Diego, Armando and I have all laughed about it. Armando talks too fucking much for his position and Diego and I don’t talk at all. We’ve laughed that perhaps the wrong men are in the wrong positions.

I can tell that Diego is on his last days in Miami. His NYC work made him a star and it’s clear Armando is trying to train him to become an XO. I know Diego wants the position, he’s waiting on it, and it’s just a matter of where it will be. I’m hoping San Antonio; I’m hoping his position doesn’t come at Armando’s expense.

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